Friday, October 9, 2009

Here we go again.

I guess this is not a radio talk show or a newspaper column but I feel that I am neglecting something because I have not posted here in a long time. Part of the reason IS time. - - Taking it and making it for this blog. Secondly is my frame of mind. My mind has to be just right (boy that is a feat) to put something in words. I also have the concern that the main thing I feel from my heart to write about is my Dad. I believe that I am o.k. about dealing with the loss of him. When I feel like writing the things many times that are deeply on my heart concern Dad and that may get tiring for people to read.

However, I just want you all to know that I do have happy things in my life. I have a wife who loves me much more than I deserve. I love her smile, and so much more because of what she has brought to my life. I have three daughters who truly fill my heart and life with pride and joy. I am blessed to know that my three daughters have three great men to make their lives complete. I have this cute little black and white dog. ......I have not forgotten or purposely left this last one at the end ..... I have a new little granddaughter. What a joy she is! I just sit and wonder in anticipation what her life will bring to those around her. It will be fun to watch her grow.
There... Those are my happy thoughts.
As I said before there is still one person who is still in my thoughts. Not all of those thoughts about Dad are sad however. Some are fun. Most are just warm remembrances.
I am going to try to write on a more regular basis. I will try to not just have warm and happy remembrances. I will try to get pictures (if I ever get this picture thing fine tuned). By writing I will help myself remember and record here thoughts that are special to me.
One thing I regret is that I did not ask my Dad more questions about lots of things. So, sometimes I am going to write about my life experiences. Many will include my growing up experiences. These will be shared to tell my kids and whoever else happens to read this about things from my past.
That is all for now. And so as Vicki Overly used to say,"I'll talk to you again later on this week."

Love You,
(and whatever other title you may have for me.)