Friday, August 27, 2010

My Little Girl

Most of you know that I love music. I love country, jazz, classical - just about anything. I love strings, brass, and voices. I have been known to say in the middle of some conversation, "...that reminds me of a song." Well, I have certain songs that are just special to me. Dolly Parton's, "I Will Always Love You", Crystal Gayle's "When I Dream", The Statler Brothers singing "You are My Sunshine" and John Denver singing "Back Home Again" are just a few of my many "favorite" songs. Each one brings a special thought to my mind when I hear them.

There are certain songs that remind me of certain people. Many of those special songs remind me of my girls. "In My Daughter's Eyes" and "My Little Girl" are a couple of those songs that remind me of my daughters. I think of Pam when I hear "Why Haven't I Heard from You" and "This Kiss." I think of Annie and Pam when I hear "Grandpa (Tell us about the good old days). I think of Jacqueline when I hear "I'm Already There." (As a side note Annie and Sharlene have one song that is very special to the two of them.) But when I hear "In My Daughter's Eyes" and "My Little Girl" it makes me think of all three of them. These songs make me feel so special to have had the privilege to be my girls' Dad.

This morning I heard the song, "My Little Girl" on the radio. There is a part in that song that talks about being beautiful from the outside in. I belive that I have three beautiful daughters. I also believe that they are beautiful inside and outside. Their Mother played a big part on that inner and outer beauty.

Sharlene and I have a new little granddaughter, Chloe. She is so cute, so smart, so funny and so entertaining. (Grandpas say these things.) I believe she will grow up to be a beautiful young lady. I believe that her parents will also help her to grow up to be just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.

In the song, "My Little Girl" it says that the little girl, "...will always be my little girl." I do not care what my daughthers say, they will always be my little girls. This little Chloe, and the new grandchildren that are on the way, will always be the "little girl(s)(and soon to be little boy) who is the little girl of My Little Girl.

Hope it makes sense.


Stacia Hamidi said...

Bob -- I love your little girls (daughters and granddaughters) and I know that they are so amazing because of their mom and DAD! You are an example of love to so many dads out there.

Jacqueline said...

Ditto to Stac. You're wonderful. I'm so grateful I'm your "little girl."

Annie said...

Thanks for the tears with no warning again. I love you and I'm proud to be your little girl. Love you more.