Today was a beautiful day. The weather has been hovering around 100 for the past few days and today it was in the mid 80's. It was partly cloudy and the sky was blue. There was an Ansel Adams photograph display at the Hansen Museum in Logan so I decided to drive over to take it in. I was driving my age with my window down. I drove by a field where someone was turning fresh cut alfalfa. I don't know if you know that smell, but it is a good smell. It also reminded me of time with my Dad.
Alfalfa was feed for my Dad's cattle. When I was very young, around 8-10 years old, Dad needed help picking up hay bales that were in the field. This involved stacking the bales on the pickup and driving to the location where the cattle would later be fed and making a large stack of bales there. Well it is time comsuming to drive 25 feet, stop, get out, throw on a bale, get back in the truck, drive 25 feet, get out, and do the whole process again. I guess Dad thought if I could reach the pedals, it was a stick shift, I could be helpful by being his driver. The first gear was geared so that you could not go very fast and even if you let the clutch out too fast the truck would probably go along o.k. The biggest challenge was driving it straight. I remember feeling like pretty hot stuff. Dad would set on the tailgate, I would get it started chugging along, and he would walk along and pick up the bales and throw them on the truck. Pretty young? Probably. Pretty special? You bet.
Right now the countryside is just beautiful. We have had many rains and the grass and crops are green.
On the way back from Logan I saw a doe and twin fawns at the edge of a milo field.
This evening Maddie and I went for a ride to Republican City. I had thought about watching the sun go down at the lake. When we got there it was still pretty early and the place I wanted to stop and soak in the evening was occupied. The lake is nearly full and people were enjoying the water, the beach and fun machines on the water. I did not stay until sundown, but it was a nice drive.
The wheat is just about ready to cut. I am sorry, but right now there are few things that do not remind me of my Dad. Harvest was a big time for him. We always talked about the wheat crop. We talked about the combines. Seeing the golden fileds today just reminded me of cutting wheat with my Dad.
It was just a peaceful relaxing day. Got to see some world renown photographs. Got to see some of, in my opinion, the most beautiful country in the world. Got to think about good times in the past. Got to think that God made it and to count the blessing of being able to be a part of it all.